Extreme Drought Event of 2009/2010 over Southwestern China

Jing Yang1, Daoyi Gong1, Wenshan Wang2, Miao Hu2, Rui Mao1
1 State Key Laboratory of Earth Surface Processes and Resource Ecology (ESPRE), Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China;
2 Academy of Disaster Reduction and Emergency Management Ministry of Civil Affairs & Ministry of Education, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China.
Abstract: The extreme drought of 2009/2010 over southwestern China is the driest event with the lowest percentage rainfall anomaly and the longest non-rain days during winter season (October–February) in the past 50 years, and also the severest one with the lowest percentage rainfall anomaly at the same period since 1880. The drought domain is characterized with anomalous warming and drying in the mid-lower troposphere as well as an evident anomalous subsidence. The favorable circulation anomalies for this drought are associated with the following two factors. One is the strongest negative-phase Arctic Oscillation during 2009/2010 winter that accompanies with a weakened Middle East Jet Stream (MEJS), the cyclonic anomaly over Arabian Sea (AS), the anticyclonic anomaly over Tibet and the cyclonic anomaly over Lake Baikal. The weakened MEJS, the AS cyclonic anomaly and the Tibet anticyclonic anomaly weaken the Southern Branch Trough (SBT) that directly decreases the moisture transport toward the southwestern China; the cyclonic anomaly over the Lake Baikal causes a deepened and westward shifted East Asian Major Trough (EAT) so that dry cold air behind the EAT easily invades down to southwestern China. The AS cyclonic anomaly favors the westward extension of Western Pacific Subtropical High (WPSH). The westward extension of WPSH is also associated with the second factor that is the El Niño Modoki event during 2009/2010 autumn–winter. The intensification and westward extension of WPSH enhance the local subsidence, weaken the SBT and exacerbate this drought.
Published in Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics. 2012, 115(3-4):173-184