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PNAS Nexus:增强岩石风化与碳封存
发布时间: 2023-04-12  


美国佐治亚理工学院的研究团队于2023年4月4日在PNAS Nexus最新杂志上发表文章,使用大量的地球系统模型,来表达一个复杂的大气和海洋对增强岩石风化的物理和化学反应。


1. Historical and future trajectories for temperature (left) and fossil fuel emissions (right) from an Earth system model of intermediate complexity (EMIC) compared to results from the CMIP5

2. Ocean carbon cycle response to CDR in an EMIC. Shown at left are sea-air CO2 fluxes (top), depth-integrated inventory of dissolved inorganic carbon ([DIC]int; middle), and zonally averaged DIC concentrations (bottom) for the baseline (modulated emissions) case and the ESW scenario

3. The response of surface ocean aragonite saturation state (Ωarg) to CDR in an EMIC. Shown at left are surface Ωarg values for the modulated emission (base) and ESW scenarios for RCP4.5 (top), RCP6.0 (middle), and RCP8.5 (bottom)

论文信息:Yoshiki Kanzaki et al, New estimates of the storage permanence and ocean co-benefits of enhanced rock weathering, PNAS Nexus (2023).

