Multi-angular thermal infrared emission characteristics of Bohai Sea ice based on in situ measurements
Chao Jinlong;Liu Chengyu;Xu Yingjun;Gu Wei;Li Ying;Xie Feng;
[Chao, Jinlong; Xu, Yingjun; Gu, Wei; Li, Ying] Beijing Normal Univ, State Key Lab Earth Surface Proc & Resource Ecol, Beijing 100875, Peoples R China.
[Liu, Chengyu; Xie, Feng] Chinese Acad Sci, Shanghai Inst Tech Phys, Key Lab Space Act Optoelect Technol, Shanghai, Peoples R China.
ABSTRACT: We report on the radiative transfer process and optical properties of sea ice in the thermal infrared (TIR) band, presenting two new linear kernel driver models (Relative Emissivity Distribution Function, REDF) that describe TIR emission characteristics of smooth and rough ice. In order to test the models and determine the necessary coefficients, in situ measurements from the Bohai Sea were carried out during the 2011/12 and 2012/13 boreal winters. The results show that the relative emissivity of smooth sea ice decreases along with increasing viewing zenith angle, and the shape of the relative emissivity curve is similar to that of an ideal plane. Affected by parameters such as roughness and surface temperature distribution, the anisotropy of relative emissivity of sea ice with a high degree of roughness is stronger relative to the cosine emitter. The model coefficients were also obtained using a robust regression method based on the measured data. The presented models are more practical than the numerical radiative transfer model and can be used for multi-angular TIR remote sensing.
Published in JOURNAL OF GLACIOLOGY.2015,61(229):864-874, DOI:10.3189/2015JoG14J143