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Improving kinematic wave routing scheme in Community Land Model
发布时间: 2013-12-13  

Improving kinematic wave routing scheme in Community Land Model

Aizhong Ye1, Qingyun Duan1, Chesheng Zhan2, Zhaofei Liu2 and Yuna Mao1

1 State Key Laboratory of Earth Surface Processes and Resource Ecology, College of Global Change and Earth System Science, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China;

2 Key Laboratory of Water Cycle and Related Land Surface Processes, Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 11A Datun, Beijing 100101, China.
















Published in Hydrology Research. 2013, 44(5): 886-903.




Key Words: catchment-based kinematic wave routing; China, Community Land Model; discharge; River Transport Model.



Abstract: Version 3.5 of Community Land Model (CLM) has incorporated a river routing module, called the River Transport Model (RTM), to simulate the runoff routing process over a hydrologic basin. RTM treats river routing as a linear reservoir process propagated through a gridded domain. Because the flow velocity at each grid is set as a constant, RTM cannot simulate river routing well. In this paper, we developed a large scale catchment-based kinematic wave routing (KWR) model to be coupled with CLM, which simulates the movement of water through floodplains and river channels. An advantage of KWR over RTM is that the flow velocity is calculated by the Manning equation, which considers the difference in friction slope and hydraulic radius in each sub-basin (or grid) and time step. A second advantage is that the KWR velocity parameterization accounts for spatial–temporal variability. Using the daily runoff simulations in continental China over the time period 1995–2004 from CLM3.5 as inputs to both RTM and KWR, we found that the simulated discharge of KWR is closer to observed discharge than that of RTM. Our study has shown that KWR may be a valid alternative to RTM in CLM.
