学科前沿讲座——Interactions between nematodes and the soil microbiome: implications for soil fertility and crop production
发布时间: 2015-10-26
题目:Interactions between nematodes and the soil microbiome: implications for soil fertility and crop production
主讲人:Bryan Griffiths,Professor of Soil Ecology, SRUC, Edinburgh
Bryan Griffiths is a Professor in Soil Ecology in SRUC’s Crop and Soil Systems Research Group. He has investigated many aspects of the soil food web, emphasising the role and bio-indication potential of nematodes, and microbial/faunal interactions with plants and the rhizosphere. Soil quality and the role of the food web in nutrient cycling and disease suppression have been consistent themes, while biodiversity and ecosystem function in soil systems led to some key work on soil resilience. Project management experience has included European projects on soil biodiversity (EcoFINDERS) below-ground effects of GM crops (ECOGEN) and co-ordination of national projects and wide collaboration with other research groups. He is field editor for the European Journal of Soil Biology and is on the editorial board of several other soil related journals. Over 170 research publications with an H index of 43. |
The lecture will cover aspects of the interactions between nematodes and soil microorganisms, including some of the newer ‘next generation sequencing’ techniques, in relation to processes in the plant rhizosphere.