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学科前沿讲座——Sea-level rise at global scale - what to expect and how to adapt?
发布时间: 2015-10-20  

Sea-level rise at global scale - what to expect and how to adapt?
主讲人:Daniel Lincke,Global Climate Forum, Germany


Daniel Lincke studied Computer Science at the Friedrich-Schille-University Jena, Germany, and graduated in 2003 (Diploma). After working two years in an industrial researched company he became a PhD student at Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research in 2006. After finishing his PhD (supervised at the Technical University Hamburg-Harburg, Germany) in 2012 he joined the Global Climate Forum as a scientist. He is currently involved in the Adaptation and Social Learning research group, where he is responsible for further development of the DIVA model of global sea-level rise impacts.



Sea-level rise is one of the most severe impacts of global climate change. Increased coastal flood damage and corresponding adaptation may be one of the most costly aspects of climate change. However, a lot of uncertainty about current expose as well as about future sea-level-rise exists. In this talk we will report the state of the art of global assessment of sea-level-rise impacts. We will present available information on current exposure and the projected ranges of future sea-level rise. We will then discuss impacts and possible adaptation responses.

