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学科前沿讲座——Storm Surge Simulation and Assessment of Protective Measures(热带风暴潮高性能数值模拟及沿海防护工程措施评价)
发布时间: 2013-06-13  

2013年第 10 期
Storm Surge Simulation and Assessment of Protective Measures(热带风暴潮高性能数值模拟及沿海防护工程措施评价)
主讲人:John Baugh 博士(美国北卡罗莱纳州立大学 教授)

Dr. John Baugh is a Professor of Civil Engineering and Operations Research at North Carolina State University in Raleigh, North Carolina, USA. He is also a member of the Computational Engineering and Sciences Program.
Dr. Baugh's research focuses on high performance computing, software architecture, and mathematical modeling and optimization. Recent projects include verifying active control systems for
intelligent structures using finite state model checkers, and modeling the effects of hurricanes and flooding on critical civil infrastructure to improve disaster preparedness as part of the Coastal Hazards Center, a US Department of Homeland Security Center of Excellence.

      Dr. Baugh received his Ph.D. from Carnegie Mellon University in 1989, and has worked as a Research Engineer in Applied Mechanics and Structures at Battelle's Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in Richland, Washington, USA. He is a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers, the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences, and the Association for Computing Machinery.



Understanding the effects of storm surge in hurricane-prone regions is necessary for protecting public and lifeline services and improving resilience. The infrastructure systems comprising a coastal community are the result of engineering design decisions that define its characteristics and subsequently determine its overall ability to respond to surge events. While coastal ocean hydrodynamic models like ADCIRC may be used for assessment, the computational cost is prohibitive since many local changes corresponding to design and failure scenarios would ideally be considered.
In this talk, a computationally efficient approach is presented that enables local assessment for any change under consideration, such as the failure of a levee or the re-nourishment of beaches and dunes. Descriptions of the overall methodology, performance results, and accuracy, as well as case studies, are presented.
