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学科前沿讲座——Divergent global precipitation changes induced by natural versus anthropogenic forcing
发布时间: 2013-05-02  

2013年第 8 期
Divergent global precipitation changes induced by natural versus anthropogenic forcing
主讲人:王斌 教授(夏威夷大学气象系主任、国际太平洋研究中心亚澳季风研究组首席兼组长)
      王斌,美国气象学会顶级荣誉会员(AMS Fellow)。1984年获美国佛罗里达州立大学地球物理流体动力学博士。1986年在普林斯敦大学著名的GFDL实验室完成博士后研究。1992至今 为夏威夷大学气象系和国际太平洋研究中心终生教授,现任气象系主任。主要从事热带气象学和气候动力学研究,已经在气候可预报性和预测、大气环流、季风、 ENSO、热带季节内振荡、热带气旋、气候系统的年代际变化和长期趋势、气候变化、大气和海洋的相互作用等诸多方面取得了很多重要成果。现任多种世界著名 气候期刊的编辑,并担任全球气候研究计划(WCRP)科学指导委员会成员和亚澳季风委员会的主席,世界气象组织东亚季风中心科学指导委员会联合主席,以及 亚太经合组织(APEC)/气候中心支持下的一个关于气候预测及其应用国际研究计划的首席科学家。1985年至今已发表SCI论文255余篇,其中第一作 者80篇,近5年的文章引用次数达到6343次,H指数为55。


As a result of global warming, precipitation is likely to increase in high latitudes and the tropics and to decrease in already dry subtropical regions. The absolute magnitude and regional details of such changes, however, remain intensely debated. As is well known from El Niño studies, sea-surface-temperature gradients across the tropical Pacific can strongly influence global rainfall. Palaeoproxy evidence indicates that the difference between the warm west Pacific and the colder east Pacific increased in past periods when the Earth warmed as a result of increased solar radiation. In contrast, in most model projections of future greenhouse warming this gradient weakens. It has not been clear how these two findings can be reconciled. Here we show in climate model simulations that the tropical Pacific sea-surface-temperature gradient increases when the warming is due to increased solar radiation and decreases when it is due to increased greenhouse-gas forcing. For the same global surface temperature increase the latter pattern produces less rainfall, notably over tropical land, which explains why in the model the late twentieth century is warmer than the Medieval Warm Period (~ AD 1000-1250) but precipitation is less. This difference is consistent with the global tropospheric energy budget, which requires a balance between the latent heat released in precipitation and radiative cooling. The tropospheric cooling is less for increased greenhouse gases, which add radiative absorbers to the troposphere, than for increased solar heating, which is concentrated at the Earth’s surface. Thus warming due to increased greenhouse gases produces a climate signature different from that of warming due to solar radiation changes.
