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转学术讲座——Towards a chemistry-climate study of domestic and inter-continental transport of short-lived air pollutants
发布时间: 2010-10-25  

Towards a chemistry-climate study of domestic and inter-continental transport of short-lived air pollutants
2010年10月26日 上午10:30-12:00
主讲人:Dr. Junfeng Liu(Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences Program, Princeton University)
Research Interests
•Developing, evaluating, and utilizing Earth System Models, Climate Models and Chemical Transport Models; Understanding the processes and interconnections among physics, chemistry and climate; Exploring the dynamical interactions between air pollution and regional (or global) climate.
•Understanding the physical and chemical mechanisms of air pollution transport; Estimating the effects of future climate change on inter-continental transport of air pollution; Establishing source-receptor relationship of trans-boundary transport of air pollution; Evaluating the transport pathways and timescales as well as seasonal and inter-annual variation patterns of long-range transport of air pollution;
•Evaluating the impacts of short-lived air pollutants on air quality, radiative forcing, climate change, agriculture loss, and human health;
•Coupling social-economical model into GCM to develop policy-relevant decision-making model for global sustainable development.
•Conducting inter-disciplinary research; Using scientific information and tools to conduct cost-benefit and cost-effectiveness analyses; Understanding the decision-making processes in both industrialized and developing nations; Exploring the potential for bilateral or multilateral cooperation to mitigate air pollution emissions and promote sustainable development
