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【7.6 地理学前沿讲座】Dimensional Analysis and Its Application to Aeolian Sand Transport
发布时间: 2017-07-05  



报 告 人Douglas J. Sherman教授、李柏良博士

邀 请 人:程宏 教授

报告题目:Dimensional Analysis and Its Application to Aeolian Sand Transport

报告人简介:Douglas J. Sherman 教授于1983年毕业于University of Toronto获得博士学位,先后担任University of Southern CaliforniaTexas A&M University以及University of Alabama地理系主任20余年,主要研究海岸风沙地貌,已经发表论文100多篇,是美国科学促进会会士(Fellow)。

报告简介:This lecture will cover the three modes of similitude and their implications for scaling, and the Buckingham π theorem for deriving dimensionless parameters. We will review some of the classic experiments associated with the use of dimensional analysis. We will also work through several problems using dimensional analysis for aeolian processes.

报告题目:Stratification effects in sediment-laden air flow

报告人简介:李柏良博士北京大学、中国科学地理资源与科学研究所以及Texas A&M University 获得学士、硕士和博士学位,主要从事风沙物理的研究,在GRLJGRGeomorphology等国际权威期刊发表研究论文30余篇。


报告简介:This stratification effect of aeolian sand flow damps the development of turbulence and changes the structure of eddies. In this lecture, the depth-averaged, sediment

ological gradient and flux Richardson numbers were used to evaluate potential stratification effect in sand-laden airflow. Our results indicate that stratification effects are strong near the bed but decrease with elevation.


