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发布时间: 2017-02-24  



主题:Design, Planning and Policy Development for Coastal Risk Mitigation and Adaptation: Approaches and Examples缓解和适应沿海区域风险的设计、规划及政策进展:一些方法和案例)

主讲人:Prof. Xiaoming Wang, Monash University, Australia


Prof Xiaoming Wang is a Senior Principle Scientist in Climate Adaptation and Sustainable Development, and had taken a senior management role as a theme leader of the Sustainable Cities and Coasts, National Climate Adaptation Flagship, in CSIRO. He is adjunct professor with the School of Engineering in Monash University, and the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Technology in Swinburne University of Technology, Australia.

He has published well more than 250 journal and conference papers, book chapters, and technical reports. He has extensive experiences working on climate impact and adaptation related projects of national significance. He was a contributing author to the Australasia chapter in IPCC AR5.


There have been a trend of increase in losses caused by natural disaster around the world, which would be further exacerbated by the changing climate. The presentation will review and elucidate our investigation on the understanding of coastal hazards, by which to establish a multi-scale of approaches, including design, planning and policy instruments, to develop options for coastal risk migration and climate adaptation, and for the corresponding actions at different scales, i.e. local, regional and national scales.


