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发布时间: 2016-01-27  

论文(专著)名称 期刊(出版社)名称 年、卷、期、页 作者 收录类别
Roles of anomalous Tibetan Plateau warming on the severe 2008 winter storm in central-southern China Monthly Weather Review 2010, 138(6): 2375-2384 Bao Q, Yang J, Liu YM, Wu GX, Wang B SCI收录
Biweekly and 21-30-day variations of the subtropical summer monsoon rainfall over the lower reach of the Yangtze River basin Journal of Climate 2010, 23(5): 1146-1159 Yang J, Wang B, Bao Q SCI收录
Correction factor to dye-measured flow velocity under varying water and sediment discharges Journal of Hydrology 2010, 389(1-2): 205-213 Zhang GH, Luo RT, Cao Y, Shen RC, Zhang XC SCI收录
