Dr. Johannes Christian Weinand from Department for Urban Development and Statistics, City of Trier Urban Development and Statistics Bureau of Trier and Professor Hans-Dietrich Haasis from Bremen University came for an academic visit and delivered reports

At the invitation of Professor Shi Peijun, Dr. Johannes Christian Weinand, Director General of Urban Development and Statistics Bureau of Trier, Germany, and Professor Hans-Dietrich Haasis of Bremen University, paid visit to ESPRE and gave series lectures for two consecutive days on “Cluster-oriented Urban and Regional Development: Logistics” from Jun. 5-6th 2012. More than 60 faculties and students from ESPRE, ADREM, and College of Life Science attended.
During the two days of lectures, Dr. Weinand and Dr. Haasis gave in-depth presentation on cluster management and logistics theory, drawing great interest from the audience. During the presentation, teachers and students raised questions and had heated discussion with the lecturers on harbor development, logisgic center and green logistics. The series lecture was a complete success.