Leaders of BNU visited Huailai Field Base in Hebei Province

Professor Shi Peijun set on a study tour of Huailai Field Base of ESPRE on Apr. 16th, with 15 Leaders from Infrastructure Division, Account Division, Asset Division, S&T Division, Logistics Division, Power and Heating Division of BNU, as well as leaders of ADREM and ESPRE. 
Accompanied by officials of Guanting County, the Team visited the newly-constructed lab, office building, dorm building and canteen. The Team highly recognized the civil engineering and gave valuable suggestions for future work.
After the visit, the Team had discussion on future construction plan of the Field Base with Hou Zhanfang, Deputy Chief of Huailai County, Huang Xiaodong, CPC Secretary of Guanting Town, and Gao Fujun, NPC Chairman of Guanting Town. The discussion reached consensus that, the objective of current work is to deal with the land leased for research purpose around the Base, begin interior and exterior decoration and finish the installation and commission of test equipment and device, so as to ensure that the Base can be put to use this year. The Base will bridge BNU and Huailai County Government, create a new platform for cooperation between universities and local governments, and become a pilot base for regional ecological treatment and biological resource development.