Professor Wang Kaicun’s invited paper from Reviews of Geophysics was published

Founded in 1963, Reviews of Geophysics is a general academic journal organized by AGU. The journal accepts only peer review dissertation upon invitation. It publishes around 20 dissertations each year. From 2002 to 2009, the journal receives the highest influence factor in the field of earth chemistry and earth physics study.
In Jul. 2011, Professor Wang Kaicun received an invitation from the Editor in Chief of the journal to write a paper titled“A Review of Global Terrestrial Evapotranspiration: Observation, Modeling, Climatology, and Climatic Variability”.
This was the 2nd paper by the author from Chinese mainland institutions since the founding of the journal. The very first paper was from Professor Zhang Youxue (Professor of US Michigan University and also chair professor of Yangtse River Scholar of Peking University) in 2007.