Teachers of ESPRE and other experts attended AAG 2012 Annual Conference

A 17-member-strong delegation including experts on georgphy related areas from ESPRE and other departments of BNU went to New York for the annual conference of Association of American Geographers (AAG). The Conference was to discuss latest development in geography, sustainability, and geographic information systems field, attracting a total of more than 8,500 geographers from around the world attended with over 4000 oral reports and posters.
During the Meeting, Integrated Natural Disaster Reduction and Sustainable Development in China was successfully held by BNU delegation to discuss natural disaster risk differentiation rules, integrated natural disaster risk mapping, natural disaster risk governance amid climate change and Chinese national strategies.
By taking this opportunity, our representatives also introduced and promoted the international core science plan of IHDP-IRG, which was sponsored by BNU with a research period of ten years (2009-2019) so as to invite more experts and scholars to involve in the project.
During the Meeting, Professor Wang Jing’ai and Doctor Rudi Hartmann from University of Colorado at Denver discussed the progress of co-edited book titled “Comparative Geography: China and The US”, reviewed the whole draftand formulated the next work plan and publishing schedule, and signed agreement with the Germany publisher Springer.