Integrated Risk Management Research Group attended “the First Global Summit of Research Institutes for Disaster Risk Reduction”

Invited by DPRI of Kyoto University and representing ADREM, Professor Xu Wei and Associate Professor Ye Tao attended the First Global Summit of Research Institutes for Disaster Risk Reduction. The Summit was held in Uji, Kyoto from November 24 to 25, 2011 with the theme of Exploring New Paradigms of Natural Disaster Research Based on the Lessons Learned from the Great Natural Disasters in the World.
25 research agencies from 11 countries and regions attended the summit.
During the Summit, Associate Professor Ye Tao introduced ADREM and together with Associate Professor Xu Wei attended the group discussion of Integrated Disaster Risk Management. The international science plan of IHDP-IRG led by Integrated Risk Management Research Group aroused interests among attendees by its forwardness and cutting edge.
On November 26, Associate Professors Xu Wei and Ye Tao held detailed discussion with major members of International Society of Integrated Disaster Risk Management (IDRiM) on holding the Third Annual Conference in BNU.