Workshop of Climate Change Risk, Low Carbon Society and Green Development was successfully held in Nanjing

From October 17 to 21, 2011, “Workshop of Climate Change Risk, Low Carbon Society and Green Development” sponsored by BNU, IRG-P/IHDP and “973” Program funded by Ministry of Science and Technology was successfully held in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province.
The major goal was to discuss how developing countries can take advantage of the socio-economic development as later comers to select the correct road of sustainable development in the context of climate change. This workshop attracted 55 experts and scholars from 25 countries including Sir Dasgupata, President of the Royal Economic Society and Professor of University of Cambridge, Professor Guscher of University of Zurich, Doctor Anantha, Executive Director of IHDP, and Professor Hiroshi Hamanaka, former Vice Minister of the Japanese Ministry of Environment and Chairman of Earth Strategy Agency. Centering on opportunity and development channel of green economy amid climate change risks, the Workshop discussed and exchanged ideas on many issues in forms of keynote speech, lectures, theme topics and group discussion. The issues covered ① theoretical framework of global environmental change and green economy; ② human factors causing global climate change: Climate Affairs Introduction; ③ risks of climate change and pathways and implementation for sustainable development; ④ international politics and economics of global climate change: dialogue between science and policy; ⑤theory and practice of climate change risk assessment: opportunities for green development.
Experts also specifically focused on the theory and practice for green development amid climate change in China and developed “preliminary work plan of climate change risk exposure” by combining research results of foreign experts. This plan has opened a new chapter for China’s climate change risk exposure.