ESPRE successfully passed the first five-year-round appraisal by Ministry of Science and Technology

From April 9-10, 2010, authorized by Ministry of Science and Technology, China National Natural Science Foundation carried out the first five-year-round appraisal of ESPRE.
CPC Secretary Liu Chuansheng and President Zhong Binglin of Beijing Normal University (BNU) met with the appraisal experts team and expressed their warm welcome. On the afternoon of April 9, 25 representatives from BNU attended the appraisal report meeting, including Professor Shi Peijun, ESPRE Director and Executive Deputy President of BNU, Deputy President Ge Jianping, Director of Technology Department Professor Gao Shangyu, ESPRE Deputy Director Professor Dong Wenjie, Researcher Chen Shi, academician Zheng Guangmei, Professor Xu Rumei and academic leaders and young faculties. On the meeting, Professor Shi delivered a report; academic leaders including Professor Liu Baoyuan, Zhang Dayong, Li Xiaobing and Gu Wei reported 4 key research breakthrough of ESPRE respectively. On the morning of April 10, the appraisal team visited the field base and laboratories of ESPRE.
This appraisal was a complete success thanks to the efforts of school leaders, colleagues from other departments and most important, the faculties and students of ESPRE.
The result was released in September 2010 and ESPRE successfully passed the appraisal.