Evolution of High-Performance Computers: Dr. Shen Xianneng, President of SVSTA Giving Lecture in BNU

On August 14th, 2009, upon the invitation of the ESPRE Lab of BNU, Dr. Shen Xianneng, chief software engineer of RMS Company (USA) and president of Silicon Valley Science and Technology Association (SVSTA) visits our university to give a specialized lecture and exchange scientific findings.


The specialized lecture is given in the conference room on second floor of Chemical Building from 8:00 am to 12:00 am. In the first part of his lecture, Dr. Shen reviews the development history of high-performance computers (HPC), and expatiates the driving force of the development of HPC by introducing his own experiences; then Dr. Shen provides detailed introduction of hardware, software and application of popular HPC in the world, and points out that parallel computing will be the future trend of development of large-scale scientific computing, which can not only provide optimized and more precise solutions to complicated problems at present, but also find solutions to unsolvable problems in past time. In the end, Dr. Shen explains and discusses the application of parallel computing by introducing some specific research cases such as Simulation and Prediction of Landslide Debris Flow, Virtual Nuclear Test, Satellite Image Treatment, and Risk Model among others.


From 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm of the same day, Dr. Shen visits the Integrated Risk Management Institute, and meet teachers and students from the Institute of Atmospheric Physics (Chinese Academy of Sciences), Computer Center, School of Geography and RS Science, and ESPRE Lab of BNU to exchange scientific findings, and reach agreement on fields of future cooperation.