International Symposium of Integrated Disaster Risk Governance Held in Beijing

Before the 6th national disaster reduction day, on May 8-9, 2014, China National Commission for Disaster Reduction, UNISDR, MOCA and MOE jointly hosted the International Symposium of Integrated Disaster Risk Governance in Beijing, which is jointly organized by ADREM, NDRCC of MCA, ESPRE and IHDP-IRGP. More than 50 senior officials and experts from different countries and UN agencies attended the event.

Jiang Li, Vice Minister of MOCA, Secretary General of NCDR, and Director of ADREM made an opening speech, and gave a keynote speech on “the Progress and Outlook of China’s Integrated Disaster Control and Disaster Reduction”. Ms. Margaret, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Disaster Risk Reduction, attended the meeting and gave a keynote report on “the Recommendation of HFA2”. Academician Qin Dahe, Chairman of the Experts Committee of NCDR, and Prof. Zheng Gongcheng, Vice Chairman of the Experts Committee of NCDR, also gave keynote presentations on “Global Climate Change and Disaster Reduction”, and “Comprehensive Reform and Institutional Development of DRR Schemes”. Prof. Shi Peijun, Vice Chairman of Expert Committee of NCDR, introduced the report on the Review and Prospects of China’s 25-year DRR that is being prepared. Prof. Shan Chunchang, Vice Chairman of Expert Committee of NCDR, and Prof. Shi Peijun, Executive Vice President of BNU co-chaired the meeting.

The meeting has four sessions including “National Experiences and Practices Addressing Disaster Risk Governance and Suggestion to HFA2”, “Government Role and Governance”, “Science Role and Governance” and “Review and Prospects of China’s 25-year DRR”. These sessions aim at summing up the progress and achievement of different countries in implementing HFA2 recommendation in the past decade and identify where to improve. The meeting discussed new international, regional, country and local concept, strategy and measure in integrated disaster control and reduction from government and technology perspective, so as to raise specific suggestions for HFA2. Senior officials for disaster control and reduction from Pakistan, Switzerland, Netherland, Indonesia, Mexico, Ethiopia and Nigeria presented their experience. Officials from NDRC, MOE, MOF and MOST presented their respective action in implementing integrated disaster control and reduction plan. Experts from China, US, Japan, New Zealand, Cambodia and Singapore and representatives from UNISDR, UN-SPIDER, UN-ESCAP gave presentations on the role of government and technology in integrated disaster control and reduction. Participants all appreciated the major progress made in integrated disaster control and reduction under the guidance of HFA, and fully recognized the action and progress made by China in implementing HFA. They also offered constructive suggestion for HFA2.

Mrs. Margareta Wahlström worked with participants to analyze and sum up the meeting, with some guiding and strategic points and suggestions concluded for HFA2. She noted that these points will be further improved during official consultation meeting, so as to promote the establishment of HFA2 in 2015. The meeting was a great success.