Prof. Shi Peijun Attended the UNISDR Consultation Committee Meeting

As a member of UNISDR Scientific & Technical Consultation Committee, Prof. Shi Peijun, Director of ESPRE, attended the UNISDR Consultation Committee Meeting held in Geneva on Nov. 27-28.

Hosted by UNISDR, Ms. Margareta Wahlstrom, Special Representative of UN Secretary General, chaired the meeting. More than 40 participants from STAG, PS, PSG, HFAG, PG and GARG attended the meeting.

The theme of the meeting is to discuss and draft HFA2 outline, which is to evaluate and analyze HFA (2005-2015) from three main objectives and put forward post HFA strategy and action plan (HFA2) (2016-2026).

The meeting is very important for the theme of the 3rd World Conference on Disaster Reduction to be held in March 2015 in Sendai, and it also contributed to identifying HFA2 strategies.