ESPRE Successfully Held 2012 Annual Session of Academic Committee

On January 26, 2013, ESPRE held Annual Session of Academic Committee in BNU. Hosted by Academician An Zhisheng, Director of the Academic Committee, the conference had over 40 participants including Academician Qin Dahe, Professor Liu Baoyuan, Professor Zhang Dayong, Researcher Li Xiubin, Professor Shi Peijun, Researcher Leng Shuying of Geological Science Division of National Natural Science Foundation, Associate Researcher Ren Jiarong of Foundation Division of Ministry of Science and Technology, Deputy Director Dai Jie of Science and Technology Division of BNU as well as ESPRE members.

Professor Shi Peijun delivered 2012 Annual Report, covering staff composition, R&D projects, R&D results, international exchange and cooperation, and field base construction.

Whereafter, Professor Dong Wenjie, Professor Wang Kaicun, Professor Chen Jin, Associate Professor Yu Deyong, Associate Professor Wang Ming respectively delivered reports on the academic progress “From the Land Surface Model CoLM to the Earth System Model BNU-ESM and to CMIP5 +", "Changes of Land Surface Energy and Water Balance in Recent Decades”, “Plant Roots Parameter Estimation Research based on Bottom-based Radar (GPR) Technology", “Study on the Landscape Design of Sustainable Urban Development and Biological Resilience of Water Environment "and “Integrated Disaster Risk research Advances Divisions and Policy-making of Farming Insurance Rates in China. Members in the Academic Committee listened to the reports carefully and made pertinent comments and suggestions.

The experts gave recognition and encouragement to the progress the ESPRE made in 2012, and also proposed valuable suggestions on the development of the laboratory. Professor Shi Peijun thanked the attendees for their suggestions and comments, and also expressed the challenges faced ahead.

In the afternoon, Researcher Ouyang Zhiyun, Deputy Director of Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences of CAS and State Key Laboratory of Urban and Regional Ecology, delivered a report of New Progress in Urban and Regional Ecology Science. He introduced basic information of his lab and latest research progress made, and also shared his valuable experiences in lab operation and management.

Professor Shi Peijun made wrap-up report and planning for the coming year. He said that the laboratory intended to highlight the research theme, make corresponded adjustment of staff and team, and would improve the facilities for all research divisions, as well as optimize and improve assessment methods, encouraging and requiring researchers actively to undertake scientific and research tasks and to improve the level of service.