BNU Delegates Attended the 4th UN Global Disaster Reduction Conference

Led by Vice Minister of Civil Affairs Ms Jiangli, from May 19 to 23, 2013, Professor Shi Peijun, BNU’s Executive Vice President, Deputy Director of ADREM, Director of ESPRE and 4 other faculties as the expert team on behalf of Chinese government to participate in the 4th UN Global Disaster Reduction Conference held in Geneva, Switzerland. This conference was sponsored by UNISDR.

During the conference, expert team also participated in many private sessions of Editorial Committee of Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction (GAR) organized by UNISDR.

On May 22, China National Committee for Disaster Reduction and IHDP-Integrated Risk Governance Project jointly hosted the session of Disaster Risk Reduction: Government to Governance.

Before the conference, Professor Shi Peijun was also employed as the new member of Science and Technology Advisory Group of the UN International Disaster Reduction Agency, and as the member participated in the informal meetings between the UN International Disaster Reduction Department and Science and Technology Advisory Group, such as the Advisory Day “Technology Platform / Network: Achievements and future goals”, “Seminar of Effective Normative Framework for Disaster Reduction”, “the Seminar of Turning Risks into Opportunities - Ecosystem Management” and other closed-door meeting.

During the reports shown in this conference, which were edited by authorized expert team by United Nations Department of International Disaster Reduction, of updating international disaster risk reduction achievements, "Series Atlas of Natural Disasters in China (4 atlas)" conducted by BNU was included into top ten global integrated disaster risk governance achievements, which sufficiently recognized the progress BNU has made in this area.

In addition, via the booth of German Disaster Mitigation Committee, IHDP-Integrated Risk Governance Project also exhibited the series of books on the science plan of international integrated risk governance, and International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, which attracted many experts and scholars coming to communicate and exchange ideas.