Integrated Risk Team of ESPRE attended the First Open Global Systems Science Conference

Co-sponsored by Global Climate Forum and the Council of Europe Committee on Information and Communication Technology, the First Open Global Systems Science Conference was successfully held in Brussels from November 8 to 10, 2012.

Prof. Ye Qian from ESPRE and Han Zhangang from System Science Department were invited. Professor Han made ​​an invited report in a special session. In addition, our Distinguished Professor Carlo Jaeger, expert of National Thousand Talents Program and Co-Chair of IHDP-IRG, 2009-2019, hosted the conference on behalf of BNU. Several members of the Scientific Committee presided over the meeting and other sessions.

With the support of "211" and "985" projects, BNU has come a long way in construction of disaster risk science. Through the joint auspices of IRGP-IHDP, and with the advocacy of well-known experts both home and abroad, BNU and ESPRE havemade a figure in the international related fields, laying a foundation for our Geological Science and Resource and Environmental Science to be internationally leading.