Earth Surface Processes

Researches focus on: (1) Interaction mechanism between ecosystem and associated with environmental factors such as surface water, wind, temperature, land use, etc. (2) Model development for soil erosion prediction with the consideration of different forces of water, wind, and wind-water composite, freezing and thawing as well as biogeochemical, biodiversity and land use processes.

Resource Ecology

Researches focus on: (1) Recycling and maintenance mechanisms of renewable resources with the emphasis of interaction among biodiversity, climate change and human activities. (2) Economic evaluation and account of the renewable resources. (3) Interaction mechanism of renewable resource utility, natural disasters and ecological problems.

Earth Surface System Modeling and Simulation

Researches focus on: (1) Impact and response mechanism of human activities and climate change on earth surface system components. (2) High-accuracy earth surface parameters estimation by remote-sensing technology. (3) Diagnostic analysis of climate change on global and East Asian. (4) Numerical simulation model development for flood, drought, land degradation, sand storm and other natural disasters.

Regional Sustainable Development Simulation

Researches focus on: (1) Protective utilization of regional renewable resource, as well as restoration and reconstruction of degraded ecosystems. (2) Land degradation controlling measures and disaster risk governance paradigms including regional integrated capacity enhancement for natural disaster prevention and ecological risk management. (3)Regional renewable resource conservation and utilization in line with the national implementation of the large-scale ecological protection and restoration project.